Ok so here is the first of the four features from our trip out west. I’ll start it off with these two random snaps from the Agenda Show we attended in Huntington Beach. Chill’n outside was the Crooks & Castles and MATIX flagship vehicles. It’s cool to see how much car culture influences so much that is so un-car related, it’s almost built into their way of life.

Around 3am, while cruising around Huntington we run into Coco and his super clean EVO. I’ve come to learn in the few days i spent in the Newport/Huntington Beach area that they are some of the friendliest/nicest people I’ve ever encountered. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone with a chip on their shoulder or in a bad mood. Everyone was very warm, inviting, and quick to help.
As we spoke to Coco Zurita, he explained he was in the area to compete in X-games 16.
I’ve always been a fan of the murdured-out look and as Coco explained that the matte black finish on his EVO isn’t even paint…it’s a wrap! The whole car… He opened the door to revile the original white color that still remained in the jam of the door(not pictured).

I wanna apologize for the blurry shots taken in such low light, but i felt like it was a perfect opportunity to bring you car culture in it’s purest form. Oh, and as i should mention, pointed out by Coco, check out his sponsor: Vivid Racing.
Here’s a shot of Coco doing what he does(Via Vivid Racing): 
more to come…
-James Cale