More friends from across the world in the Netherlands reppin’ illmotion. These guys don’t mess around either.. they have some super clean cars and deserve some acknowledgment. Thanks guys!
Once again, we’ve pushed another batch out the door thanks to your continued support! It’s great that we started spreading the word from just our area and it seems that it’s caught on worldwide – literally. A majority of the stickers are going to places like the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, which means that it isn’t only us that wants this trend to stay alive, it’s everyone else that shares our interests!
So, our thanks to everybody that has picked up some stickers, visits the site, tells their friends, and anything else you do to support!
We can’t decide on our next color, so head on over to our facebook page and “like” us and let us know what color you’d like to see for the next batch!
Once again, the illmotion stickers are back in stock, but this time in two different color combos. An STRD edition yellow/white to match those STRD stickers you locals may have and an all white edition for those that like the neutral side of things and really just prefer one color.
We do appreciate the support and over the weekend at Driven, we pushed a lot of stickers which means we not only helped out the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, but it also means we’re growing and helping to push this scene forward! Thanks again guys!
With only 10 days left until the annual Driven show, the team here at illmotion is counting down the days until we get to show Calgary some of the best tuner vehicles this city has to offer. We are excited to be showcasing a variety of vehicle’s along with some beautiful models so be sure to check us out at the Olympic Oval on Saturday June 12th!
Due to the great fan support from all over the world we have some great things lined up for the Driven show.
First off there will be 2 new sets of decals available for purchase at the show. We will have a Speedtech Racing Development Edition(Yellow) and by popular vote via our website poll, an all White decal. Also the original TEAL decals that sold out within an hour will be available in a limited quantity of 20, so be sure to arrive early and get these as they will never be available again! All decals will be available as cash only purchases at a price of 1 for $10, 2 for $15, with all proceeds going towards a great cause, the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. Remember to bring extra cash to help us help kids!
Second we will be having a draw for some limited edition goods! We will be giving away an illmotion t-shirt along with some decals. You must come to the show to enter your name for a chance to win. More details will be available at our booth.
Third and last as mentioned above there will be some fresh new rides along with a couple of gorgeous models, and a whole lot of other stuff going on at this years Driven show. So make sure you keep Saturday June 12th free and we hope to see you all at the Oval!
Once again, with the amount of support that we’ve been receiving from everyone, literally around the world, we have run out of stickers again. I just wanna say that for us, this means that we have been getting good reception and that everyone supports the movement that so many of us have been trying to get going.
There are many, hundreds, possibly thousands of blogs and sites out there that have similar goals. That is to help bring back the tuning scene the right way, to help recognize the cars that deserve recognition, or simply to participate and contribute to the hobby that may possibly be our addiction.
Because of everyone’s efforts, I’ve been noticing more and more quality cars, better enthusiasm and most of all, more respect among tuners that had once been diminished. In the end, it really isn’t the brand of wheels you have, how low you are or how wide your wheels can be. For us at illmotion, we think that a well done car is just that – a well done car.
Well, that’s my spiel. Thanks again to everyone for the support, and remember to spread the word about us to friends, suggest us on facebook and follow us on twitter. We are working hard on creating a great booth for Driven on June 12th, so for all the locals that are reading this, you better make sure to come to the show and show your support! There will be more news in the coming days about Driven x illmotion.
Diana got her decals on today. I think they match her wheels and car perfectly! At first I was skeptical of this purple/white color combo but then once she had it done, I can’t get enough! I want purple wheels now..
6) In the next screen, ensure that your correct shipping address is included for us to mail the stickers. Also indicate the number of stickers you want in the message field.
7) Click “Send Money”
That’s it! Stickers usually ship within the same day or 1 business day upon payment. Any questions, contact Jason @ —————————————————————-
Here is a sneak preview of the stickers to come. They will be in stock tomorrow, so be sure to check back and grab yours!
The new color is sky blue! We will also be removing the paypal store button to purchase stickers and instead, we ask that you just paypal me (Jason) indicating the quantity you would like with the correct amount. More details will follow tomorrow in the “store” section of the site. But for now, spread the word! Thanks for the support!
Kelven posted this on the facebook wall – I have to say, most of us over here are pretty stoked to see our sticker up with fatlace’s and canibeat’s stickers as well! Thanks!
Sorry for the long delay guys, but after the dreaded wait, we have the silver/white combo that you guys voted for in stock! Go and click the store on the right side or at the top of the site to purchase your illmotion sticker now!