iM: UCCC Meet – October 23, 2010

This past Saturday, I had a chance to drop in on the University of Calgary Car Club (UCCC) Halloween Cars & Coffee meet. It was a bit chilly out, but was fun to just hang out nonetheless. Got a few snaps of the cars and of people just hanging out.

Thanks goes to Terence for his work in putting this together. Please check out their webpage which also has links to their forums, and their Facebook page (click in their logo):

3rd Annual Honda/Acura Meet

This last Sunday (Sept.19,2010) Calgary and area had it’s 3rd Annual Honda/Acura Meet. Unfortunately the weather was against the group and it was cold and wet the entire day. Regardless there was a large group that was brave enough to come out and hang around.

Hopefully, with winter nearing in on Calgary, everyone can get together a few more times and give this impressive season a final good-bye before we nestle away from the snow and cold.

Now on to the pictures…

The car everyone so anxiously waited for in the rain:

illmotion @ Quarry Park & Polish Part 3

So we’re trying to give you a taste of all the stuff that was there, so here’s a third post of the Park and Polish with even more stuff.

illmotion @ Quarry Park & Polish Part 2

As you can tell by the title, this is part 2 of the Quarry Park & Polish that happened in Quarry Park on Sept. 12, 2010. This was the 2nd annual event and it was in support of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). The event had a great turn out as I’m sure you could tell from PART 1.

Jason did a great job in covering the illmotion area, and I had the pleasure of taking a stroll around and getting some snaps of things you don’t get to see too often on illmotion, or on the streets for that matter.

Below are the pics of the treats we got to see, and hopefully next year we can double this show in size and have a great show as well and support a great cause.

Here’s a little excerpt from an email we received from MADD Canada:
“With your generous donation of the battery charger and jumper cables draw prize, the advertising and providing many exciting cars for the show we successfully finished our 2nd annual Quarry Park and Polish fundraiser. There were some fantastic vehicles there; we exceeded the amount of cars from last year.

We always feel so blessed by the participation, partnership and generosity we get from the communities. Your generosity made a big difference to ensure the success of this event. In total we raised just over $3300.00 dollars that will go directly to our programs to provide support for victims of impaired driving and help us to raise public awareness of the dangers and consequences of this very preventable act. MADD needs caring and dedicated individuals such as you to help in our fight to provide safe roads for all.”

illmotion would just like to extend it’s appreciation to everyone who came out that day or purchased our special MADD Edition decals from the store. Thank-you for showing support for us and more importantly MADD Canada.

illmotion x MADD @ Quarry Park

Yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure of attending the 2nd annual park & polish that was backed up by MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). This would have really been our first official unofficial meet with whoever wanted to come and participate with us.

These kinds of events are important to us simply because we are able to participate in events for a good cause. We want to be able to showcase our efforts and have it pay off in the end as well.

The morning started with meeting anybody that wanted to participate at Ikea half an hour before registration began. At first, there was 6 of us then 7 then 10 and by that time it looked like that was it. So we made our way down.. As the day went on, familiar faces as well as newcomers came by and parked with us. By the end of the day, we had taken up close to half of one side of the lot which was awesome because it was such a nice day to be out.

Thanks in advance to everyone that came and showed with us as well as anybody that might have stopped by to take a look at what was going on! See you guys next year. I’ll let the pictures do the talking..

The rest is gonna be really picture heavy…

You guys might have remembered this GTI I posted not too long ago that was getting bags installed. Here it is.

Tien’s BMW – one of the first to rock it like this

A familiar face from Driven..

Romel’s blue thunder

Jeevs’ Kouki 180SX

These decals are up in store as well as the limited edition MADD colorway!

The ground is crooked haha

Shout out to my homie, Derek.

Terry’s Turbo K20 ITR

VIP status – Junction Produce

The other side of Quarry Park AKA the ballers

MADD x illmotion

A big thank you to everyone that came out and participated and showed their support not only for us but for MADD Canada as well! We hope you guys stick around so that we can make this an even bigger turnout next year when we head out there again!

iM: See You Tomorrow!

Just wanted to give y’all a friendly reminder that tomorrow September 12, 2010 is MADD Canada’s Quarry Park “Park & Polish” Charity Car Show! Admission is FREE so definitely come by and show your support. Definitely gonna be a sick show featuring some of Calgary’s finest whips!

Those looking to pick up some decals stop by tomorrow at the event and look for the illmotion table!

See you tomorrow!


Details below.

iM x Nijkerk Meet & Greet

About a month ago, Dimer had sent me a batch of photos from the meet and greet that took place down in Nijkerk, Netherlands. As usual, you guys will see a lot of content from the Netherlands thanks to guys like Laurens and Dimer that are extremely generous with their content – not to mention they are happy to shoot for us whenever they attend special events. In return, this allows us to see how they handle their game over there.
Thanks for the quick snaps guys.

iM @ Toyota/Lexus Meet August 29, 2010

Had a chance to stop by and check out the small Toyota/Lexus Meet at the Chinook Centre Upper Level Parking lot earlier today. Not bad of a turnout considering the rain and cold weather Mother Nature had in store for Calgary.

Because of the rain I didn’t feel like catching a cold so I didn’t take too many pics but here are a few snaps I was able to take. Check ’em out!

Random shot of an illmotion crown decal on a post. LOL!

iM: "Super Meat" 2010

The annual super meet took place last Wednesday at Chinnok Centre. The super meet started when Aldrich felt that the meets weren’t the same as the ones held years ago.

With less than 20 cars showing up weekly he decided to call out all the “OG” members.

With the first super meet being a great success, this continues to be a yearly meet with everyone coming out.

This year was no exception with probably the biggest turn out yet. Almost filling up the entire upper level parking lot.

Here’s a few picture’s from the big meet.

Hopefully the meets don’t die down this year and stay alive.

See you all out there!