illmotion @ Quarry Park & Polish Part 2

illmotion @ Quarry Park & Polish Part 2

As you can tell by the title, this is part 2 of the Quarry Park & Polish that happened in Quarry Park on Sept. 12, 2010. This was the 2nd annual event and it was in support of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). The event had a great turn out as I’m sure you could tell from PART 1.

Jason did a great job in covering the illmotion area, and I had the pleasure of taking a stroll around and getting some snaps of things you don’t get to see too often on illmotion, or on the streets for that matter.

Below are the pics of the treats we got to see, and hopefully next year we can double this show in size and have a great show as well and support a great cause.

Here’s a little excerpt from an email we received from MADD Canada:
“With your generous donation of the battery charger and jumper cables draw prize, the advertising and providing many exciting cars for the show we successfully finished our 2nd annual Quarry Park and Polish fundraiser. There were some fantastic vehicles there; we exceeded the amount of cars from last year.

We always feel so blessed by the participation, partnership and generosity we get from the communities. Your generosity made a big difference to ensure the success of this event. In total we raised just over $3300.00 dollars that will go directly to our programs to provide support for victims of impaired driving and help us to raise public awareness of the dangers and consequences of this very preventable act. MADD needs caring and dedicated individuals such as you to help in our fight to provide safe roads for all.”

illmotion would just like to extend it’s appreciation to everyone who came out that day or purchased our special MADD Edition decals from the store. Thank-you for showing support for us and more importantly MADD Canada.

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