iM Event Coverage: WSC Supermeet 2011 – June 25, 2011

iM Event Coverage: WSC Supermeet 2011 – June 25,…

The Western Subaru Club held their Supermeet this weekend at Vex Performance’s new location in Calgary. We decided to roll up considering that two of our members own Subarus, and my brother tagged along in his STI. There were a huge range of Subarus there, along with some other cars as well. Lots to look at, lots of people to talk to. Unfortunately due to prior engagements, we were not able to stay that long, so we missed out on others that came later on in the day, but we got a lot of pictures while we were there.

We also got a chance to meet Johnny Summers (driver, and owner) of Vex, and we had a great conversation about what he does, cars in general, and future plans. I can say that he is a very nice gentleman to talk to and very down to earth, with major beliefs on the shops tuning philosophies. We also spoke about the possibility of doing a shop spotlight on Vex when they’ve had a bit more time to get set up with more equipment and parts after getting rid of a bunch of stuff before their move from Red Deer. Look forward to that coming up in the future.

Special thanks goes out to Vex Performance, and the WSC for setting up this meet.

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