iM Feature: Terence Wah’s Honda S2000

iM Feature: Terence Wah’s Honda S2000

Last summer Arif and I had the opportunity to shoot Terence’s S2000. There are plenty of s2000’s that are out there, but notably only a few stand out. Among them stands Terence’s.
After getting to know Terence and his car, he is a guy with attention to detail and taste. Function and form is his philosophy and very rarely will you see any mod on his car that won’t help him out on the track.
The reason for this feature is his plan for this season. Terence has big plans ready for 2010 and this will be the first place you’ll see it because I vow to be the first one to shoot it haha

They don’t call Terence the man with the God Hand for nothing. 2010 will be sure to prove this.

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