iM: Prashant’s GTI Fitted

iM: Prashant’s GTI Fitted

Went to Prashant and JC’s house to test fit Prashant’s new wheels that they just picked up from Montana. I guess you could see this as one of the fillers to the teaser post that Punit put up. Got some quick pics of the fitment. Shits deep.

F. I forgot the sizing.. I’ll get back to you guys on that.. hahaha 18×9 +38 in the rear comes to mind though for some reason..

STILL no spokes to be found! DAYUM

Oh, there it is 😀


And if you remember the GTI we had up near the beginning.. Here are a few shots I got of it. Friggin DUMPED

Almost tucking rim

And to top it off, Aldrich slapped this on Prashant’s rear window without him knowing. hahaha

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