iM: Weekly 403 Honda/Beyond Meet – May 11, 2011

iM: Weekly 403 Honda/Beyond Meet – May 11, 2011

Once again, we have our weekly beyond meet and it only continues to get bigger. This was my first time out this year and I have to say, it was nice to see so many legit cars coming out nowadays. Compared to last year, where we would see maybe 10-15 cars every week filling up one row, we’re getting to 4 and maybe even 5 rows some nights.

One thing I’d also like to say is that it seems that everyone has really stepped their game up over the last few seasons which is awesome to see. Nice parts, nicely kept cars, new things to see.. I think that’s what our car scene needs.

Lastly, like all of the posts we’ve had about the beyond meets.. We just want to stress that good behavior at the meets is expected. Last night was a good night for everybody minus the guys that think letting ‘er rip down the ramp is still cool. Let’s keep this up and make it a good time for everyone.

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