Introduction: Another One? Jeez.

Introduction: Another One? Jeez.

Greetings lads and gals!

I am just posting to inform you that i.M just got a lot bigger; as of today, I am now a new member of the ill.motion family!

I am Don James (but you can call me DJ for short) and I am currently entering my final(!) year of post-secondary studies at the University of Calgary. I do photography as a hobby but when it comes to car photography, I am a complete novice.

As you can see from my previews:




I am also (probably) the only man still using a film SLR here at ill.motion but I do have a G10 for the digital shots. Regardless, I’m here to learn, here to improve, and here to impress.

If for some reason you liked what you saw, check out my Flickr for more!

Nonetheless, I’ve been following ill.motion since its inception and as i.M’s new author/photographer, I will scour the ground for sick rides, roam the land for eccentric articles, and keep the ill.motion family hooked and interested!

I will not disappoint and of course, I am always open for criticism, potential article ideas, and the like.

Cheers and ride on!

– DJ

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