K.Saun Photography

K.Saun Photography

After being in the photography game for a few years now, I’ve started to realize much more about taking pictures. You start to learn your own style, your own way of post-processing and what genuinely makes a good picture.

Like the tuner scene where you meet and become acquainted with people with similar interests and styles, the photography scene is just the same. I’ve become friends with photographers around the world that share the same goal all photographers do – that is to take great pictures that everyone can appreciate to the fullest.

One of the photographers that has caught my eye since I first started or even before I had my first dSLR is Kevin Saunders, AKA K.Saun Photography. His work stands out from the rest of the automotive photographers and that’s what makes him great at his work.

Check out a few shots that he’s taken over the past years

And if you’re interested, his photostream link is below.
K.Saun Photostream

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