iM Event Coverage: Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 Part 2

Here we go with part 2 of our TAS 2012 coverage. Still having a hard time picking what to post as there so much I think you guys will like.

Going to save all the product/wheel stuff for one day next week and probably will have a weird/wild/crazy car post sometime next week as well. There’s plenty of odd stuff over in Japan that is cool to see.

Gonna start with one of my favorites from the first batch of pictures… the Mugen RR CRZ concept car. Not only did they have the orange one that has been all over the internet on display but they also had a pastel green one which I had yet to see anywhere. Interesting color choice but I’m pretty sure any color would look good rocking that Mugen RR aero.

Another favorite from the first batch was the AIMGAIN Lexus LS600h… baller!

Next up that caught my eye was the Varis Evo X sporting their newly unveiled wide body kit.

There was a couple GTR’s at the show rocking this crazy, over the top widebody/front end/wing combo. Pretty crazy stuff.

Once again swing by Stretch and Poke’s site HERE as they have even more TAS coverage from Galen Wan.

Overloaded the site with too many pics so we’ve moved the remaining TAS pictures onto our Flickr page HERE

iM Event Coverage: Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 Part 1

At this point I don’t think the Tokyo Auto Salon really requires much of an introduction so we’ll jump right into the event coverage.

Day 1 at the TAS is a wrap for Galen and here is a very small portion of what he was able to check out. We have more pictures than we know what to do with so check back again tomorrow as we’re rolling through new stuff every day for as long as everyone keeps enjoying it.

Read more “iM Event Coverage: Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 Part 1”

iM Shop Spotlight: Tommy Kaira & Wald International

We are extremely excited to be presenting our readers with our very first collab posts courtesy of Galan Wan and our fellow bloggers Stretch & Poke from out east. With coverage coming straight out of Japan, we have lots of shop features and tons of Tokyo Auto Salon stuff in the coming days/weeks so be sure to check back often, 56k be warned.

| Tommy Kaira:
We’re starting off with the Japanese car tuning company Tommy Kaira. In addition to being a distributor for many manufacturers they also design and manufacture their own aero products. Their aero kits are designed and rendered by company president Mr. Hiei and then passed off to their modeler to sculpt and refine the design in clay, full scale, till it’s just right.

They’re pushing really hard to get into the Euro market this year with the brand name “Rowen” which is evident by the cars they are franticly preparing for TAS. Just to clarify, these pictures were taken yesterday… 3 days before TAS starts. Some of the cars/kits still need to be finished, painted, and detailed before the 2 hour bullet train ride to the show. I guess the last minute rushing everyone is oh so familiar with this side of the Pacific isn’t lost in Japan.

Also be sure to check out Tommy Kaira at SEMA 2012 as they are planning on making the long trip to showcase their work in North America.

More Tommy Kaira pictures can be found on our Flickr page HERE

| Wald International:
Next up was a quick stop at Wald International. Known for their wheel and aero products for whatever ‘baller’ car you may own. The pictures speak for themselves.

The only information Galen was able to gather from the sales rep was that all the cars in the shop, with exception to the Maserati, are all owned by Wald. Nice collection!

More Wald pictures can be found on our Flickr page HERE

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the start of our TAS 2012 coverage!

iM: #PrayForJapan Donation

On March 11th 2011, Japan was struck with an 8.9-magnitude Earthquake which was immediately followed by a monstrous Tsunami. Thousands of homes and businesses were taken away, as well as the lives of many, many people.

Being heavily influenced by the Japanese, the crew here at illmotion felt that it was only right to raise money for those in Japan who are in desperate need of our help.

From March 12th to March 31st, 100% of all illmotion decals sold were to be donated to the Canadian Red Cross, who is currently in Japan providing relief and aid to those who are greatly affected by this disaster.

Today, we would like to share with all of you the amount that we will be donating to the Canadian Red Cross. None of this would be possible without all of your support. For this, we send our deepest appreciation and thanks.

Because of you guys, illmotion managed to raise $800.00 to the Canadian Red Cross! We cannot thank you guys enough for your continuous support!

Along with our efforts to help Japan, Our homies over at Beyond.Ca graciously offered to match dollar for dollar the amount we raised (and then some) to the Canadian Red Cross. Thanks guys!

Last but not least, the boys over at Lithium Autosport also supported the cause by exclusively selling our “Made You Look” bumper stickers at their shop. Sales from these decals also went to the Canadian Red Cross.

With the support of Beyond.Ca, Lithium Autosport and most importantly all of you, we collectively managed to raise $1810.00!

Well done everyone!

Our deepest thoughts and prayers are still with the people of Japan.

If you would like to donate to the Canadian Red Cross click HERE.

Another way to donate is to text ASIA to 30333. $5.00 will be sent to the Canadian Red Cross for Earthquake Relief in Japan with every text.

Thanks again for your support!

-illmotion crew

iM Shop Spotlight: Garage Box Grand Opening

|Shop: Garage Box Auto Innovation
|Location: #10 920 28 St. NE Calgary, AB
|Telephone: (403) 984-2808
|Crew: Paul, Philip

On Sunday, March 20th 2011, the illmotion crew hit up the grand opening of another new shop in Calgary: Garage Box Auto Innovation. Paul Tan, responsible for a lot of awesome work done to a few of Calgary’s sickest whips, is the man in charge of the new shop.

Being that it was officially the first day of Spring (Seriously, it was), there was no better way to kick start the season than to get every one together to congratulate Paul on the opening of his new shop. With good people, good food, awesome beats and raffles with proceeds going towards Japan Tsunami Relief, Garage Box Auto Innovation definitely left a good impression to those in attendance.

Garage Box Auto Innovation specializes in general automotive service/maintenance as well as custom and aftermarket applications on whatever vehicle you have. Should you have any further inquiries do not hesitate to contact Paul Tan.

Congratulations once again going out to Paul on the launch of Garage Box Auto Innovation. You’ll definitely be seeing a few of us from illmotion wanting to get work done on our cars! =)

-illmotion crew

Our very own Aldrich, hittin’ up the turntables for most of the afternoon.

Paul’s ongoing project Celica

And it looks like even though it’s mid march, we have some homies like Steve rocking his partial summer mode. We were lucky enough to avoid the 15-20cm snowfall warning that was supposed to hit last night. So it’s good to see.

We also have Gangster D rocking his J’s Fit. This, believe it or not is his winter beater. He’s also got a Spoon’d out S2000 for summer time. Spoon calipers for stopping in the snow? Jeez.

iM: #PrayForJapan

Early Friday Afternoon, small quakes began to disrupt the east coast of Japan. Unfortunately, this was only to be followed by a monstrous 8.9-magnitude earthquake. This however, was not the end. The quake was then followed by an enormous Tsunami taking with it cars, ships, trains and whatever else was in it’s path. Not only did this destroy homes and businesses, but it also took the lives of hundreds of people.

After logging into twitter this morning, the number one trending topic was “#prayforjapan”. After letting that sit for a bit and watching CNN, reading various tweets, and thinking about family and friends currently residing in Japan, the crew here at illmotion thought it would be a great idea to get involved and do something to help those in need.

Fresh off our donation to Pancreatic Cancer Research, illmotion has decided to donate to the Canadian Red Cross, who is currently in Japan doing everything in their power to help those in need.

Starting today, 100% of all decals sold in the Online Store, will also be donated to the Canadian Red Cross.

Whether it be through illmotion or directly to the Canadian Red Cross, act now to help those who are struggling with the aftermath of this disaster.

Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the quake and the tsunami in Japan.

-illmotion crew
