iM Highlight: Aldo’s Honda S2000

iM Highlight: Aldo’s Honda S2000

When you acquire a new car and start a new project, there a lot of things people take into consideration before taking that dive into something new. Aftermarket support, performance and initial appearance/styling of the vehicle are just some of the things that people take into account before committing to the next “money pit”. After considering all the factors that are involved in acquiring a new project car, our good friend Aldo decided it was time to depart from Euro tuning and hop on the Honda wagon with this Grand Prix White AP1 Honda S2000.

Definitely still a project car in the making, we decided to take a few snaps of Aldo’s S2000 before it goes through more modifications over the course of the next few years. As long as Aldo does more modding to his car and a little less dancing while driving in his car (HAHA), we can’t wait to see what’s to come of this AP1! For now though, have a look of Aldo’s S2K in it’s premier stages.

  • B

    This whip is hype! omgzorsbbq moar loeewwwww. jeje bbq
    its a chick car doeee…

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