iM Shop Spotlight: Garage Box Grand Opening

iM Shop Spotlight: Garage Box Grand Opening

|Shop: Garage Box Auto Innovation
|Location: #10 920 28 St. NE Calgary, AB
|Telephone: (403) 984-2808
|Crew: Paul, Philip

On Sunday, March 20th 2011, the illmotion crew hit up the grand opening of another new shop in Calgary: Garage Box Auto Innovation. Paul Tan, responsible for a lot of awesome work done to a few of Calgary’s sickest whips, is the man in charge of the new shop.

Being that it was officially the first day of Spring (Seriously, it was), there was no better way to kick start the season than to get every one together to congratulate Paul on the opening of his new shop. With good people, good food, awesome beats and raffles with proceeds going towards Japan Tsunami Relief, Garage Box Auto Innovation definitely left a good impression to those in attendance.

Garage Box Auto Innovation specializes in general automotive service/maintenance as well as custom and aftermarket applications on whatever vehicle you have. Should you have any further inquiries do not hesitate to contact Paul Tan.

Congratulations once again going out to Paul on the launch of Garage Box Auto Innovation. You’ll definitely be seeing a few of us from illmotion wanting to get work done on our cars! =)

-illmotion crew

Our very own Aldrich, hittin’ up the turntables for most of the afternoon.

Paul’s ongoing project Celica

And it looks like even though it’s mid march, we have some homies like Steve rocking his partial summer mode. We were lucky enough to avoid the 15-20cm snowfall warning that was supposed to hit last night. So it’s good to see.

We also have Gangster D rocking his J’s Fit. This, believe it or not is his winter beater. He’s also got a Spoon’d out S2000 for summer time. Spoon calipers for stopping in the snow? Jeez.

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